Day: July 12, 2024

Things to Know When Planning for an Addicted Loved One

It has been said that the only thing harder than being an addict is loving one. Having someone in your life who struggles with substance ...
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What You Can Learn from the Leno Conservatorship Proceedings

When most people think about estate planning, they usually focus on what will happen when they die. They typically do not consider what will happen ...
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Estate Planning: 3 Reasons We Run the Other Way

It can be hard to get motivated about your estate planning; it sounds about as fun as getting a root canal. However, you also probably ...
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What Can I Not Do as Grantor and Trustee of a Revocable Living Trust?

Wills and living trusts both direct the distribution of your assets to beneficiaries after you die. However, a revocable living trust offers added flexibility and ...
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Funding a trust refers to the process of transferring assets into the ownership of a trust. Trusts are legal arrangements where assets are managed by ...
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Planning for the Future: Honoring Our Military Heroes

As we step into the Memorial Day weekend, we not only welcome the warmth of spring but also the opportunity to express our deepest gratitude ...
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A Legacy of Law: My Daughter’s Graduation Journey

As an estate planning attorney, I’ve dedicated my career to helping families secure their futures and protect their legacies. Yet, amidst the legal intricacies and ...
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Planning Ahead: Making Sure Your Loved Ones Are Taken Care Of

In a world where life can take unexpected turns, having a plan in place for your assets and loved ones is crucial. Estate planning isn’t ...
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What to Do with a Loved One’s Used Medical Equipment

Family members charged with clearing out the deceased’s home may unwittingly find themselves in control of left-behind medical items. Nobody in the family may have ...
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April 16 – National Healthcare Decisions Day: A Personal Call to Action

On National Healthcare Decisions Day, I found myself reflecting on the significance of such a day in a deeply personal way. It’s not just another ...
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When it comes to planning for your future and your family, Sommers Law Group is here to help.

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